For over a year now I’ve been offering a bonus just for subscribing to my complimentary email newsletter here at Fearless Fat Loss. (Get a complimentary subscription to JoLynn’s Permanent Weight Loss Secrets ezine, delivered weekly to smart, spiritual, highly successful women worldwide!)

That’s the bonus of the 7-day e-course I created, “How To Create a Weight Loss Mindset”.

Thousands have already registered and received their bonus and I thought you’d like to know that if you aren’t on my email list that NOW is the time to sign up for a complimentary subscription…if you want that bonus of my e-course.

Between now and August 26, 2010, that e-course will be coming down and will no longer be offered as a bonus for subscribing to Fearless Fat Loss’s Fun and Consciously Fit newsletter.

So if you’ve ever wondered why all of the diets and exercise programs you’ve done haven’t helped you lose the weight once and for all and Keep It Off…

If you’ve wondered why you still keep sabotaging yourself…

Free eBook Fearless Fat Loss

If you’ve experienced the frustration and pain of having all of the physical tools to lose weight, get fit, and maintain it…but you don’t take consistent action with any of them…

Update 2012: Sign up now for a complimentary subscription to the Permanent Weight Loss Secrets ezine, delivered weekly to smart, spiritual, highly successful women (successful in business, not with their weight) who deeply crave a body that matches their otherwise successful life!

Click here to get your complimentary ezine subscription and gain immediate online access to the most recent issue!

If there’s a part of you that’s figured out that the reason you’re stuck in an overweight, unhealthy, feel-bad body is NOT because of your diet and exercise program…

And if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to Finally lose the weight, drop the struggle, and Live Free in the Body Of YOUR Dreams once and for all, then register now for a complimentary subscription to Fearless Fat Loss’s email newsletter and get my Bonus 7-day e-course.

The bonus e-course will help you take a First Step towards creating Your Ideal Body. Get it NOW while it’s still available.

NOTE: It’s coming down anytime between now and August 26, 2010. Subscribe, get the Bonus, and enjoy while it’s still there!

Photo by svilen001