Just a thought for you today as I have been thinking back on the running theme of posts I’ve written over the past year, in 2008.

I focused on the Power of your NOW, your present moment in several posts and the reason I’m bringing this up today is because  I was thinking about  the post I wrote yesterday, about the telecall I’m doing Wed night (Jan 07).

You see I know how it goes…..you think “ah, I made that New Year’s Resolution but I’ve already blown it so I’ll try again next Monday” or, “I’ll wait until after Valentines Day”. Yes, that’s right! Valentines Day is that next big holiday that will be here before you know it, and another one of those “milestones” that many (maybe you?) use to put off what you could do today – get on track with a healthy, fun  lifestyle plan.

My wish for you is that when January 1, 2010 rolls around, that you are living in that fit, toned, slender, healthy body that you are right now dreaming of. Or if you have over 150 pounds to lose then my wish is that you are almost to your ideal body weight. But you know, when it comes right down to it, what the heck does it matter how long it takes you to get to your ideal weight if you’re happy NOW and enjoying the journey…if you’re Having Fun with it?

So that’s my thought for you for today…..remember that your power always lies in your present moment, that the past is the past, and that your future is being created right now with the actions you take  and the thoughts you think now, today. What you are choosing to think and do today is creating your future, remember my post about that last year? If you didn’t catch it or are new to Fearless Fat Loss go read it now.

You are the one in control of what your future looks like – don’t let another year go by without getting what you want, without achieving your dream of a fit, toned, slender body – that body you know you want, that body you can create right now with today’s actions and thoughts.

If these thoughts have inspired you be sure to tune into my telecall tomorrow night at 6pm EST – you can sign up for the call here, and if you can’t make it live you can listen to the replay later (I’ll send it to you.)

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Shine On and Take Action in 2009 and when you’re celebrating on New Year’s Eve in less than a year, you will be living in  that healthy, fit  body that  you’ve been  dreaming about.  😉