It is as easy to create a castle as a button. It’s just a matter of whether you’re focused on a castle or a button. — Abraham

Where is your focus today? Are you focusing on the healthy, fit, toned body that you are taking action to create? Or are you focusing on feeling bad about yourself for eating two desserts last night?

Are you focusing on discovering healthy, whole foods that you will enjoy eating? Or are you obsessing about all of the processed or fast foods that you used to eat regularly?

Do you imagine what you will look like once you lose weight and shape up, or, do you keep putting yourself down for being overweight?

Where you place your focus and intention is what you will end up creating in your life. I went through a period of focusing on berating myself for overeating and regaining much of the weight that I had worked so diligently to lose. While I continued to think like this, I had a hard time matching positive, healthy actions with these thoughts.

However, when I began to focus on the exercise I was doing, getting back into my smaller sized clothes, and how much I truly enjoyed the foods I was eating, I let go of those thoughts that were bringing me down and began to lose weight again (this is were I am now, May 2007).

Free eBook Fearless Fat Loss

If you continue to focus on the positive and your ideal body, you will have a much easier time following through with the action. When you believe that you can achieve your goal, you will be motivated to take the action needed to get there.

Do this today: monitor your thoughts at least once an hour. If you are on the computer all day you can set a reminder in Outlook. When it notifies you, take note of where your thoughts are. Strive to stay focused on what you want in life instead of regretting the past or thinking about what you do not want.

Whatever you maintain your focus on is what you will get. Don’t make the mistake of keeping your focus on your current overweight, since this will serve to create it (or more of it) in your life.

What are the specific Results you got from this exercise? Exactly how did this help you?

Update 2012: Here’s something even more interesting than what I wrote in my article above all the way back in 2007 (Five Years Ago!)…

Most have a very difficult challenge following through with positive action steps on their own. Why is this? Because you have more practice at continuously  “searching and collecting” information than you have practice at consistent implementation.

The first (ongoing searching) is the result of an F.A.T. Mindset, which does not allow you to focus on the things I outlined above and the second is a Result of a weight loss mindset.

A weight loss mindset is a focused mindset. A mindset that is free of F.A.T. (Fear Attracting Thoughts), which creates an overweight body.  A weight loss mindset is the key ingredient to the Results of struggle-free, permanent weight loss.

A small First Step you can take in the direction of a weight loss mindset now is to grab my FREE 5-Day E-course, which will help you discover the answer to the question, “Is Your Mindset Fit or F.A.T.?” as well as helping you discover what’s REALLY been holding you back from losing weight for good (and what you can DO about it!).

Click here to grab it while it’s still available!