Nothing will be accomplished until you take action and start working towards your goal. In regards to weight loss, there never truly is an actual “finish” because weight maintenance is a daily endeavor, however you will reach “a” finish when you reach your goal weight.

In order to reach your goal weight, you must start; start eating healthier, exercising, and changing your thoughts. All change requires a start, and whether the action is physical or mental, you still need to take action to get the weight off.

What can you do right now to begin moving towards your goal weight? Can you go for a 15-minute walk, or go shopping for some whole foods for your dinner? What about putting down the cola and drinking plain water instead? Another action you can take is writing down your goals, including the reasons that you want to change your lifestyle, lose weight, and get healthy and fit.

I firmly believe that you must change your thoughts in addition to taking physical action to change your body, but some type of action must be taken either way. You must start if you wish to finish. Why not start right now and begin moving towards your goal? 😉