Isn’t it wonderful to hear about other people who are kicking the processed food, fast food, additives, and of course the big one, sugar out of their diets?

Well today, for your daily motivation, I am offering inspiration for you in the form of others’ stories.

These are bloggers who have kindly linked to one (or more!) of my posts, and who are themselves getting healthy by getting off the processed junk. Enjoy!

DP writes about how his entire family is off of fast food and processed food, albeit they fought it “kicking and screaming” in the beginning. Read about how much healthier they are today here. DP shared one of my posts on high fructose corn syrup with his readers, thank you DP!

Emma is no longer drinking Vitamin Water after reading my post on crystalline fructose, which she recommended to her readers (thank you Emma!). Read about Emma’s decision to cut out crystalline fructose here.

Linda is living sugar-free; therefore she has cut out both high fructose corn syrup and crystalline fructose (she linked to two of my articles, thank you Linda!). Read about her views on that “sneaky” crystalline fructose here, and her post on high fructose corn syrup here.

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I hope to be bringing you more tales of inspiration from around the blogosphere in the future.

If you would like me to write about you, please feel free to link to either my homepage or one of my posts to share with your readers, including in your post any steps that you are taking to get healthy in your own life. Remember, you don’t need to change everything in your life all at once! 😉