I would like to mention a few more blog carnivals that I am thankful to have had my posts appear in lately. If you are not familiar with blog carnivals, they are a collection of posts from various authors all related to a specific topic, some topics being broader than others.

Recently my post “Do You Deserve to be Thin?” was included in The Weekly Personal Development Carnival hosted at The Urban Monk. In this carnival you will find uplifting posts on such topics as inner peace, intuition, healthy aging, and self-esteem.

The same post of mine was featured in an earlier blog carnival, this one on the topic of Self-Esteem Issues for Women. This carnival was hosted at Fort Wayne African-American Independent Woman and includes several posts on the topic of self-esteem.

I encourage you to peruse these blog carnivals. I find motivation often by reading something that was not necessarily geared towards weight loss, however since our body is with us wherever we go, it also is involved in all of our life issues. The more inspirational and positive thoughts you acquire in your life in general, the more it can help your attitude towards weight loss. Enjoy!