In a recent post, I highlighted the first blog carnival that one of my posts appeared in. I wish to continue with mentioning the other blogs that have not only taken the time to put together and host the carnivals, but have also included me in them.

A recent carnival that one of my posts on emotional eating was featured in was the Carnival of Eating Disorders. Isabella hosted this carnival on her blog Change Therapy. The carnival features posts on overeating, anorexia, anorexia athletica (compulsive exercising), and bulimia, as well as a few miscellaneous posts.

I especially encourage you to read the post by Kelly Vandersluis titled “For No Real Reason: The Truth“. Kelly’s post is about her experience with anorexia. Although my site doesn’t cover this topic, I highly suggest you read it because not only did she do an exceptional job of writing it, but it is also quite inspirational. It is inspirational for the fact that as an overeater (pretty much the opposite of an anorexic), I could relate to her so well because the bottom-line food issues are still there. It does not matter that she has never been overweight, I think that we can all relate to her.

The motivational components in Kelly’s post, the Emotional Eating Carnival, and Isabella’s site lie in realizing that we are certainly not alone in our endeavors to lose weight and get fit. I do find it motivating to know that many of us share the same paths, even though they may look a little different on the outside. This can serve in helping you to release any guilt or shame that you may have felt about your overeating, two emotions that can certainly stunt your level of motivation.

I hope that you check out these sites and posts, they are well worth the click. Enjoy!