Do you feel good when you are constantly being told that you are wrong? Are you motivated and inspired to create great things when you feel bad about yourself? If you are like most people, I’d say that your answer to both questions is a solid “NO”.

When you tell yourself that you should do this or you should do that, you are in essence telling yourself that you are wrong; you are wrong for not doing what you say you should be doing!

When it comes to weight loss and fitness, how often do you tell yourself that you should do this or that? When you do, I bet you aren’t motivated to go out and conquer your goals because again, you are telling yourself that you are wrong for not doing it.

Once you have a weight loss mindset you will never again have a need to “should all over yourself”.

Here’s a first step you can take in that direction: Click here to grab my FREE 5-day E-course. My in-depth e-course will help you discover what’s REALLY been stopping you from losing weight for good (and what you can DO about it!).