What do you do when reaching your goal weight doesn’t make you happy? Here’s what Laura did: she did The Inner Self Diet, got happy, and released 12 pounds struggle-free!

When Reaching Your Goal Weight Doesn’t Make You Happy

In my coaching practice, I’ve had many private coaching clients who had been at their goal weight in the past prior to working with me, just like Laura was, but they found that getting to their goal weight didn’t make them happy like they thought it would.

And then, guess what happened? Just like Laura, they started gaining weight, and many of them regained all of the weight they had lost. This is one of the reasons they enrolled in The Inner Self Diet, because they knew that there was a bigger problem that needed to be solved so that they could finally be happy, lose the weight, and keep it off.

She Lost 12 Pounds Struggle-Free In The Inner Self Diet

Before we go any further let’s all give Laura a BIG round of applause, not just for losing 12 pounds struggle-free but because this is the First Video she has Ever Done in her life! What a brave woman she is to get on video, just to inspire YOU to what is possible once you get a weight loss mindset. Please Applaud Her, she deserves it.

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Notice though, that there’s a lot more to Laura’s transformation than achieving struggle-free weight loss. What Laura learned how to do in The Inner Self Diet was how to be happy right now while losing weight. WHY is this so critical to your weight loss success and long term weight management? Because when you learn how to take full control of your mind and emotions so that you can Be Happy Now then you already know you’ve won. Your happiness is not dependent on your weight which sets you free to lose weight, get to your goal weight, and know that you’ve already solved your emotional eating, binge eating, and compulsive overeating problems.

When Reaching Your Goal Weight Doesn't Make You Happy Do The Inner Self Diet | FearlessFatLoss.comYou see, there’s a reason you’ve become out-of-control with overeating and overweight. Sure, part of the problem is the fact that you’re not living a healthy lifestyle – you’re eating too much and not exercising enough. But you already know that. Everyone knows that.

There’s a deeper problem though, that must be healed so that you are completely free of this problem forever. So that you will know that you can lose weight and keep it off. And that problem is what drives you to keep overeating and stay overweight. The good news is that once the root of that problem is healed, which is what I do with my coaching clients in The Inner Self Diet (it requires coaching and two-way communication in real time) then you will be free.

Once the root of the problem is healed then you’ll become happy with yourself right now, and while it’s probably hard to believe, this is one of the keys to struggle-free weight loss!

You Can Be Happy AND Succeed at Permanent Weight Loss – Struggle-free

You really can make weight loss struggle-free and fun, once you heal your Inner Self in The Inner Self Diet. Listen to Laura tell you about her experience with struggle-free weight loss in the video on this page. She’s a real person just like you, and she was so awesome to record this video for you to help you get inspired to what is really possible. Especially since she’d never done a video before – ever!

You can be happy AND lose weight - struggle-free. Heal your Inner Self to break free!Click To Tweet

If you want to end your food and weight struggles so that you can break free of emotional eating, binge eating, food addiction self-sabotage and yo-yo dieting then start with the same first step Laura took. Simply click here to get started! Apply for a complimentary weight loss discovery session if you’d love to stop wondering why you’re so smart and successful professionally, BUT you just can’t stop overeating. Click here to get started now.

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