Barb Lost 50 Pounds Without Feeling Deprived and Without Struggle - FearlessFatLoss.comDo you have 50 pounds or more to lose?

When you think of weight loss do you immediately imagine deprivation, difficulty, and drudgery?

If you could lose weight without depriving yourself and keep it off, while having fun along the way, would you feel excited about that?

Well this is exactly what Barb, a Graduate of The Inner Self Dietâ„¢ did. And the truth is, her transformation goes far beyond the weight loss, which is a common occurrence for my inspiring clients who do the steps of The Inner Self Dietâ„¢.

How could this be? Isn’t weight loss enough?  Isn’t Weight Loss supposed to make you happy?

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Listen In Now!

To skip ahead and Hear all of the Good Stuff from Barb just click the Play button now.
Listen to Barb tell you all about her deprivation-free weight loss of 50 pounds, going down 3 sizes, the fact that she’s HAPPY, she  feels really good (Yay Barb!), and on top of all of that, she’s happy about losing 50 pounds (listen to HER though and you’ll hear her say that the weight loss is not even the biggest outcome she got from The Inner Self Dietâ„¢).

What the majority do not understand (perhaps you think like this, too!) is that weight loss is ALL about how you eat and exercise. Well….if that were the truth, then why aren’t you DOing it?

Lettuce Only |

Barb did not lose 50 pounds by eating only lettuce all day. Listen to her audio success story and hear HER tell you about her experience of releasing 50 pounds without deprivation or struggle!

Here’s the full truth: How you eat and exercise is only 10% of your problem or solution. The fact that you are not doing what you already know how to do is the clear sign that you have a Mindset issue. And no eating plan in the world will ever fix that (nor is it supposed to! Those are just “how to eat” instructions).

Additionally, until you get your mindset in order (90% of the solution to permanent weight loss) then you’ll continue to struggle with your weight and your overeating. The root of your ongoing food and weight struggles must be healed in order for you to break free, and that’s all about the Inner Self of YOU.

Otherwise, as long as you continue to avoid healing the root, then your emotional eating, sugar addictions, self-sabotage and more will all continue to stop you from losing 50 pounds (or whatever is healthy for your body) and keeping it off.

She Lost 50 Pounds Without Deprivation

Barb is a recent Graduate of The Inner Self Dietâ„¢ and wow, does she have a LOT of good stuff to share with you on her Total Success Call! (Simply click the Play button on the audio player to listen in immediately)[]

Here’s a brief outline of a few things Barb shared on the call:

Before The Inner Self Dietâ„¢

  • I’m not sure I realized it at the time but I had a very adversarial relationship with my body.
  • I didn’t really think about it. Most of my energy and focus was into my high pressured career.
  • I pretty much didn’t think about my body until it impacted my career.
  • You have to project a positive image to people to be successful.
  • My weight became an impediment and also I began suffering from health issues.
  • I was irritated and annoyed that I needed to spend any time on my body.
  • I went through all these weight programs and try to schedule them in.
  • I felt enraged that I didn’t lose fast enough or when I’d lose and regain.
  • I was just doing them because I wanted it over with I wanted it DONE.
  • By the time I got to you (The Inner Self Dietâ„¢) I felt really frustrated and discouraged.
  • I pretty much thought that nothing was going to work.
  • I was very skeptical going into your program.

After The Inner Self Dietâ„¢

  • It’s absolutely wonderful.
  • If you had told me all of the wonderful changes from your program I probably would not have  believed you.
  • It’s not just my perception it’s everyone around me who has seen it.
  • I’m HAPPY
  • I don’t feel like I’m on a diet.
  • I am conscious of what I’m eating and I am deliberate in my decisions.
  • I’m not in an adversarial relationship with my body now.
  • My transformation has spilled over into my career and especially into my relationships.
  • Everything is touched by this.
  • I feel energized I’ve lost a lot of weight, my clothes are fitting well, I’m making decisions  that I’ve never thought I could. Things just seem so easy by comparison.
  • I noticed my changes immediately. Very strong very positive and very  noticeable.
  • Don’t tell people that this isn’t a quick fix let them have their own experience!

Additionally…Even More Transformations For Barb!

  • She’s eating more than what she used to. When she’s physically hungry, she eats!
  • In the past, she had confused hunger with other signals.
  • Coming from a corporate world she was used to scheduling everything, even her eating, whether  she was hungry or not.
  • She wasn’t making conscious decisions on her own in the past.
  • She’s eating very healthy, not on a schedule, she’s feeling great.
  • She had medical issues in the past and even those have cleared up.
  • She’s just been Very Happy.
  • She doesn’t know exactly how much weight she’s dropped, she threw out the scale.
  • In the past she weighed in the morning and at night, and she based her success on that scale.
  • Today she doesn’t care what the scale says because she trusts what SHE is saying.
  • Barb trusts Barb today!!

YOU Can Do It, Too!

Yes, you really could have the success that Barb has gotten, if you were to do the same steps that she did. And do note: If you’ve already listened to her audio you heard her tell you all about her initial skepticism. She listened to audios of other Graduates just like YOU just listened to her’s and she thought, “It worked for them, but could it work for me?”

She also strongly stressed for you that you need to decide to take a leap of faith and trust in the process. If you do what she did then you can also get the results of struggle-free weight loss without deprivation. Most importantly though, you’ll get the LIFE you’ve always dreamed of. Or perhaps you’re like Barb, and you used to feel happy in your life long ago, and what you really want is to Get That Back – to get back not only your happiness and your life, but to get YOU back.

To get back the YOU who was fun, happy, and enjoying life. All while IN the body you desire to live in.

Your First Step

Your first step towards permanent weight loss without struggle and without deprivation is to do the same thing that Barb did: apply for a complimentary weight loss discovery session.

Yes, this is an application process, and not everyone’s application qualifies. This is for you if you are truly serious about releasing ALL of your ongoing battles with food and your weight. Whatever those battles may be, you are ready to let them go, whether they be sugar addictions, binge eating, compulsive overeating, self-sabotage, stuffing, yo-yo dieting, food obsessions, emotional eating, scale obsession, or anything else that is in your way….if you are serious about letting all of that go so that you can finally live healthy and fit without battle, without struggle, then click now to apply for your complimentary discovery session.

How would you feel if you could stop asking yourself, “Why am I so smart and successful in my business life but I can’t get it together and lose this weight?!” If you’d love to stop wondering why this is (and get Results of struggle-free weight loss instead!) then apply now. (Applications are reviewed on a first-come first-served basis. A Limited number of time slots are available each week.)