3 Things to Say When Someone Calls You Fat at FearlessFatLoss.comIf anyone has ever called you fat it probably didn’t feel good.

Or maybe, that experience was a catalyst for you to make significant, lasting change! And if so, then you would call it a gift.

If you’re like most though, you saw it as a negative experience and being an emotional eater, you found the nearest fast food drive through and said a big “F You!” to the stranger (or non-stranger!) who called you fat…while you overate and attempted to stuff your feelings.

This is common when you don’t have the Inner Self Tools to take full control of your mind and emotions, which would then enable you to live IN the body of your dreams anyway.

It’s not something that is taught in elementary school (wow, the world would be completely different if it were!) and unless you’ve worked with a highly skilled coach and mentor, you’ve very likely never learned how to be in complete control of the only thing you can control: YOU. Specifically, your mind and emotions, which are exactly what lead your body.

But today’s topic is about what you can say when someone calls you fat. If you could be practiced ahead of time in this (especially if you are being bullied and this is a common experience for you, either out in public or in your home) then you have a chance to stand in your own power rather than being solely reactive and on the defense.

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3 Things To Say When Someone Calls You Fat

In this episode of  The JoLynn Braley Show  I’ll share with you three things you can say when someone calls you fat.  

Grab pen and paper for this Free Weight Loss Podcast episode of The JoLynn Braley Show. On each episode of The JoLynn Braley Show you receive questions to ask yourself, which will help you gain clarity about where you are and what you want. You’ll get so much out of this Free iTunes Podcast when you write each question down on paper with pen and then write down your answer.

In this week’s episode you’ll learn:

  • Why your Inner Self is where 90% of your challenge is
  • The fact that there is no magic
  • If you really do want magic, get a solid, true, weight loss mindset and living a healthy lifestyle day-after-day will become EASY
  • 3 Things to Say when someone calls you fat
  • Why your Inner Self is most important when you say anything to anyone.

Let’s listen in to this week’s episode of The JoLynn Braley Show to learn more.  Simply click the play button on the player on this page and you can listen immediately.

Keep in mind that when you decide to do the proven steps to get a core, true, weight loss mindset, then you’ll be LIVING struggle-free with your weight instead of just learning about it. Click here to read what the Graduates of The Inner Self Diet have to say about releasing all of their struggles with food and their weight.

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Tune in for next week’s episode: 3 Ways To Make Bikini Season Weight Loss Easier

Be sure to tune into next week’s episode of The JoLynn Braley Show for this not to be missed episode and subscribe on iTunes to The JoLynn Braley Show now so that you don’t miss out!

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Ready to END Your Emotional Eating and Yo-Yo Dieting?

If you are ready to live in freedom from your ongoing food and weight struggles then here is your next step:  Click here to apply for a complimentary weight loss discovery session

This is for YOU if you’d love to stop asking yourself, “Why am I so smart and successful in my business life yet I’m still struggling with my weight? Why can’t I just DO it?!”

Click here to apply now and start living the Results of struggle-free weight loss.


Photo Credit: Ed Yourdon