Tom Venuto Body Fat SolutionTom Venuto, who you may already know from his Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle program,  has a new  book out today, hot off the presses – The Body Fat Solution.

This book rocks on so many levels because Tom comes from the perspective of incorporating the mind-body connection as well as keeping the focus on building a healthy lifestyle instead of going for the myriad of  diet gimmicks out there on the market.  

Tom’s a body builder, which is another reason I really like what he teaches in The Body Fat Solution because as you know, I’m a big advocate for  the 6WBMO program,  which was also created by a body builder.  Since you’re a smart reader of Fearless Fat Loss I really think you’ll like this book.

A few of the topics that really stood out to me in The Body Fat Solution were:

  • Mindful Eating – This is conscious fitness at it’s best. You’ve got to become conscious and aware of why and what you are eating if you really want to make positive changes and lose weight.
  • Journaling – The process of journaling your thoughts and emotions is extremely powerful and helps you become aware of why you eat what you do and when you do. This is more than simply journaling what you eat, although that does help you become aware of your patterns.
  • Eating Exclusively – This ties into mindful eating and it’s the act of only eating when you eat. Instead of watching tv or working at the computer while you are eating, just eat and pay attention, become aware (conscious) of what you are doing and  how you are feeling, both physically (are you full and still eating?) and mentally.
  • Fitness Is a Journey – The process of losing weight, of getting healthy and fit is just that – a process. It’s not a destination, it’s a journey, and when you can adopt this attitude towards it and enjoy the process you’ll have so much more fun with creating a new, healthy lifestyle for yourself. This attitude is the opposite of the diet mentality that tells you “I’ll start tomorrow” or “I’ll start next Monday”. There is no tomorrow, you are on your journey now.

Free eBook Fearless Fat Loss

You’ll find  a lot  more information in  The Body Fat Solution than I’ve listed above, such as weight training exercises complete with pictures and what to do after you reach your goal weight.  You can  pick up a copy for yourself and if you  take action on what Tom teaches you, you’ll be on your way to creating a fit, healthy, and conscious lifestyle for yourself while you drop the fat and gain muscle tone – sounds good to me!